Recovering from the impacts of fires and floods on parks and forests is important. Our role involves:

  • rehabilitating and restoring the damage caused by fire control operations
  • reopening our strategic road network and protecting it from erosion
  • restoring forest and park infrastructure
  • protecting water quality and supply
  • protecting cultural heritage
  • wildlife rescue
  • helping other agencies with the recovery of the local community when a fire has affected the community's safety or economic or social well-being.

We try to reopen any closed areas as soon as possible. This may take some time. We may need to replace infrastructure or clear hazards such as falling trees to make the area safer.

Recovery of the natural environment

Native vegetation generally recovers after disturbances like fire, flood and storm over time. How long this takes depends on how particular ecosystems respond to the emergency event and how frequently the same area is impacted.

To help some ecosystems recover, rehabilitation and regeneration activities may include:

  • controlling invading weeds, whether from seed stock in the soil or from surrounding areas
  • controlling or preventing invasions of feral animals
  • stabilising areas at risk of soil erosion and replanting them with local indigenous plants
  • replanting vegetation damaged by fire control activities.

It’s especially important to control soil erosion within water catchments or where sedimentation will otherwise affect river or wetland ecosystems.

Assistance for fencing and water replacement after bushfires

Managing fire risk after storms

Managing fire risk after storms

Support services

The following support services can assist our communities following an emergency.

General assistance

For up-to-date information on the range of support available for emergency events across Victoria, visit VicEmergency Relief and recovery.

Your local council may have the information you need, visit Know Your Council to find contact information for your local council.

Managing your health

The Department of Human Services website has a range of resources to assist with managing health issues after an emergency, including:

  • Managing stress during emergencies
  • Managing emotions in emergencies – working with affected people
  • Managing your health and safety – bushfires

Personal counselling

If you are dealing with stressful events, you might find it helpful to talk them over with a local GP or with a member of the clergy. You might also find it useful to contact a counselling or personal support service or a telephone help line. The following personal and family counselling hotlines are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week:

For information about depression, anxiety and substance-use related disorders in the Australian community, visit beyondblue or call on 1300 224 636.

For information about family relationship issues, see the Australian government's website family relationships online or call on 1800 050 321.

Other assistance

Other assistance may also be available from the following organisations:

Page last updated: 06/01/25