Before you travel
Check for closures on our interactive Public Access Map. This interactive platform provides maps and information on current road closures (including seasonal road closures) across forests and parks. It also shows visitor site and walking and mountain bike track closures in State forests. You can zoom in to your area of interest and click on closed roads or sites for more detailed information on their closure. You can also search by place name, site, or road name.
This map is updated by regional staff who maintain the data and enter any closures that may apply. Unplanned closures, which can be necessary for safety reasons, may not be immediately visible in the MapShare platform.
For general road closures, check the VicTraffic website.
For emergency information, including Information & Warnings, visit the VicEmergency website.
Public Safety Zones
Public safety zones are areas where access to public land is closed or restricted to ensure public safety. Public access is not allowed while either a sign is displayed, or DEECA staff, equipment, machinery or vehicles are present.
Wombat State Forest
A Public Safety Zone has been declared from 1 November 2024 and ending on 30 June 2025 inclusive. The purpose for which the declared public safety zones have been declared is for the maintenance of public safety in relation to storm debris management.
Sites include:
- Osbornes Rd
- Simpsons Track
- Lyonville Springs Rd
- Stewarts Creek
- Brickhouse Road
- Yankee Road
- German Track
- WP North
- Spargo Creek Rd
Period of the declaration
The period for which the declared public safety zones are declared is the period commencing from 1 November 2024 and ending on 30 June 2025 inclusive.
Refer to Victorian Government Gazette items GG2024S574 and GG2025S058.
Stay safe on public land
Always be careful when using state forests - we've compiled some handy tips on the Explore Outdoors website and below.
Changing weather conditions can affect tracks, roads, river crossings and trees. Be careful even where closures are not in place.
Water levels and currents can increase quickly and without warning. Take care around rivers, creeks and lakes.
Never walk, ride or drive through flood water - the risk is not worth it. Take extra care on the road to avoid hazards such as mud, debris, damaged roads and bridges. Don't play, swim or go recreational boating in flooded creeks and rivers.
Be careful around trees, especially when the ground is soaked and soft as that makes trees more likely to fall.
Call Victoria State Emergency Service on 132 500 from anywhere in Victoria for flood and storm emergency assistance. For life-threatening emergencies call Triple Zero (000).
Road conditions
The condition of forest tracks can vary due to environmental factors. The MapShare interactive map platform may only show the roads and tracks on DEECA and Parks Victoria managed land affected by the normal seasonal closures and other known or planned closures. Unplanned closures are sometimes necessary for safety reasons but may not be immediately visible in the MapShare platform.
Falling trees, inclement weather, emergency response can all cause unplanned closures.
Visitors are strongly advised to be aware of weather history and forecasts, to be careful and follow the advice of emergency services.
Hazards can be reported by calling 136 186.
The DEECA and Parks Victoria Road Management Plan (PDF, 3.0 MB) specifies how the public roads are to be maintained.
Government Gazettal of 2024/25 DEECA seasonal road closures (PDF, 933.6 KB).
Forest and Fire Operations, including planned burns
Public access is not allowed within a planned burn, non-burn fuel treatment, Strategic Fuel Break, minor fuel break, storm debris management, hazardous tree removal, activities associated with the Deletite Arm Reforestation project and selected forest operations activities or ancillary works associated with these areas or within the 'safety exclusion buffer zone'.
The safety exclusion buffer zone is a 150-metre buffer around these areas.
To find out if any planned burns are happening near you, or to sign up for notifications, visit Planned Burns Victoria.
View a map of the Joint Fuel Management Program
View a map of forest operations at FFMVic Forest Management
Catastrophic fire rating
All state forests and forest parks will be closed in weather districts where a Catastrophic fire danger rating day has been declared. To see what Fire Danger Rating applies to your location, visit the CFA website.
State forest and park closures during catastrophic fire rating days
Catastrophic fire rating park and forest closure fact sheet (PDF, 214.5 KB)
Catastrophic fire rating park and forest closure fact sheet (DOCX, 408.5 KB)
Page last updated: 24/02/25