
[Opening titles: Parks Victoria logo. Health Parks Health People logo. Forest Fire Management Victoria logo.] Parks Victoria Our people in fire.

[Music playing]

[Text on screen] Mike Stevens, Ranger Team Leader, Environment and Heritage

[Mike Stevens] My fire role is a Level 1 Operations Officer and a Burn Officer in Charge.

[Text on screen] Prue Daley, Community Engagement and Tourism Officer

[Prue Daley] I've been working in fire for 22 years, and 15 years as a Public Information Officer.

[Text on screen] Nathan Sabbo, Field Service Officer

[Nathan Sabbo] Currently I'm a Fire and Emergency Field Service Officer based out at Anglesea.

[Text on screen] Jill Read, Manager Planned Burning

[Jill Read] My longest role with Parks Victoria to date has been in fire ecology.

[Text on screen] Mark Urquhart, Regional Fire and Emergency Program Coordinator

[Mark Urquhart] My primary fire role is an air attack supervisor

[Music playing]

[Text on screen] Parks Victoria works as part of Forest Fire Management Victoria with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, VicForests and Melbourne Water.

Forest Fire Management Victoria’s aim is to reduce the risk and impact of bushfires on Victoria’s parks, forests and other public land.

[Closing titles: Parks Victoria logo. Health Parks Health People logo. Forest Fire Management Victoria logo.]

Page last updated: 09/10/21